Myth Busters Air Conditioning Edition

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Myth Busters Air Conditioning Edition


When it comes to air conditioning systems, there are countless myths and misconceptions circulating. At Anderson Bros., we’re on a mission to set the record straight and provide our customers with accurate information. In this blog post, we’ll tackle some of the most common myths surrounding HVAC installation, AC repair, and maintenance.

Myth #1: Bigger is Always Better for Air Conditioners

Many homeowners believe that installing a larger air conditioning unit will lead to better cooling performance. However, this is a myth. An oversized AC unit will cool your home too quickly, leading to frequent cycling and inadequate dehumidification. This can result in higher energy bills and an uncomfortable indoor environment. The key is to have a properly sized unit that matches the cooling load of your home.

Myth #2: Closing Vents in Unused Rooms Saves Energy

While it may seem logical to close vents in rooms that aren’t being used, this practice can actually put unnecessary strain on your HVAC system. It disrupts the airflow balance and causes your AC to work harder, leading to higher energy consumption and potential damage to the system.

Myth #3: Air Conditioners Don’t Need Regular Maintenance

Neglecting regular maintenance is a surefire way to shorten the lifespan of your air conditioning unit and increase energy costs. Routine maintenance tasks, such as:

  • Changing air filters
  • Cleaning condenser coils
  • Checking refrigerant levels

…are essential for keeping your AC running efficiently and preventing breakdowns.

Myth #4: Air Conditioning Units Cool the Air

Contrary to popular belief, air conditioners don’t actually “cool” the air. Instead, they remove heat and moisture from the air using refrigerant. This process is known as the refrigeration cycle, and it’s what creates the cooling effect in your home.

At Anderson Bros., we’re committed to providing our customers with reliable HVAC solutions and dispelling myths that can lead to costly mistakes. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts for professional guidance on all your air conditioning needs.